
The Stool Pigeon #39

They've probably all been snapped up by now, but Richard Bruton tells us what we've missed (and includes some nice words about my strip).

The review is here.


The COMIX READER issue 4 Out Now

The UK’s funniest, edgiest, weirdest and CHEAPEST comics anthology returns with a fourth helping. Behind a new cover by lost underground cartoonist Tobias Tak, is the usual blend of established talent, new discoveries and outsider art. This issue features the return of Julia Homersham and Gareth Brookes, plus Richard Cowdry, Ralph Kidson, new alternative comics superstar Elliot Baggott, and 2 pager by the UK's oddest cartoonist : Peter Lally.
24 page A3 colour comics tabloid. Only £1!!!!

Available from Gosh! Comics and... I'm not sure where else.

“The creative minds behind the Comix Reader are an enthusiastic and prolific group of contributors whose sketch jams, talks and meetings make for an unprecedented underground scene.” GOSH!

"the most alternative of the current anthology set" - Richard Bruton, Forbidden Planet